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I am currently a graduate student in mathematics at the University of Hawai'i at Manoa (UHM) studying algebraic geometry with an interest in probability and scientific computing. I am also a program manager at the Global Talent Fund (GTF).

I am involved in mathematics education initiatives related to coach training and organizational strategy with the mathematical and informatics olympiad programs in Rwanda (RwMO) and (RIO), as well as competition support for the East Africa Math Olympiad and the Pan African Math Olympiad. I collaborate with Practical Education Network (PEN) in teacher training projects related to hands-on learning in secondary education.

Previously, I was an undergraduate student in mathematics and economics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT),  and a master's graduate student in mathematics at the University of Michigan (UM) part of the Marjorie Lee Browne Scholar's Program. I was also a research intern at the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (PUC-Chile) and at the African Institute for Mathematical Sciences in Rwanda (AIMS-Rwanda).


I am originally from the border region of Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua and El Paso, Texas.

Contact Information

Last update: August 2024

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